Create the Next Membership + Conference Theme for SkillsUSA Florida
SkillsUSA Florida is a nonprofit organization serving students in CTE programs in Florida by developing the personal, workplace, and technical skills grounded in academics that are needed for career success within the skilled trades. Each year, student members are invited to create a cohesive design package that reflects the theme, the state, and the organization. The winning design is selected by members during the annual Fall Leadership Conference. This year’s theme is “SkillsUSA Florida: Fueling the Future.”
Some ways that the designs can be used:
- T-shirts and trading pins are distributed to conference participants during the State Leadership and Skills Conference (SLSC).
- The conference app homepage graphic will be used on SkillsUSA’s Instagram story during the state conference.
- At NLSC, trading state pins is a popular activity among attendees, and the winning pin design will be provided to the state delegation.
- Publications like the Tuesday Times newsletter, membership recruitment, and partnership materials will include the design.
SkillsUSA Florida has a reputation for high-quality, student-produced designs, and this year is no different! Check out previous designs below and submit yours by October 15!
Use this link to submit your design by October 15, 2023!
SkillsUSA Florida student members are invited to submit a design package for consideration. Review the rules, design specifications, and “The Fine Print” carefully; information may have changed from previous years. Failure to adhere to the rules may result in disqualification.
- The package must consist of one trading pin, one T-shirt, one banner, and conference app homepage (vertical).
- Design packages should reflect the state theme, SkillsUSA and its mission, and the state of
- All submissions must follow the criteria listed. Design packages must follow the same pattern of work (font, style, color, etc.) and must include the year (“2025”) and the words “SkillsUSA” and “Florida” in each design.
- Designs must follow the National Brand The official SkillsUSA Florida logo must be used where indicated. Visit brandfolder.com/portals/skillsusa for official logos and Brand Standards.
- Gradient colors are only allowed on the banner and app homepage, and are prohibited for t-shirt or pin design.
- No AI-generated images or designs are allowed and are grounds for immediate disqualification.
- Copyright material may not be used, except for the SkillsUSA and SkillsUSA Florida logos. No clip art or similar pre-designed components are allowed. All work must be original and prepared by the student member.
- All four designs must be submitted on one high resolution .pdf file for Name files “[LAST NAME].[SCHOOL].pdf”. Submit your file with your name, email, school, advisor name, and advisor email using this form: https://form.jotform.com/212144300360033. DO NOT include this information on the .pdf file for submission.
- All designs must be received through the online form no later than 11:59 PM ET on OCTOBER 15, 2024. Once properly submitted, the designer will receive an email confirmation at the email they list on the form.
- The winning designer must submit original design files (.ai or .eps format) with all related files (font, background, etc) within 1 week of
- Submissions must include a color swatch with identifying CMYK and/or RGB color information. See example.
Trading Pin Design
- Final production size: maximum 1.5” horizontal or vertical. Avoid the use of fine detail, which may be lost in Designs are not limited in shape – custom shapes are encouraged.
- Submit two images: an enlarged design to view detail, and an actual size (no larger than 5”).
- Include special instructions, such as color type, CMYK spot color, and special features (shape, finish, moving parts, dangle items, etc.). Indicate whether the pin is screen printed, die struck, embossed, or other production method.
- No more than 4 colors may be used. The use of gradient colors is not permitted. For die struck pins, the metal color may be used as an additional The metal color must be identified as such to not count toward the 4-color maximum. Metal colors may include black, silver/nickel, and gold.
- Do not use the SkillsUSA logo, as the detail is too intricate to reproduce on the pin.
T-Shirt Design
- No larger than 5” wide by 11” tall. Design may be printed on the front or back of the t-shirt.
- Indicate t-shirt If no color is indicated, the design is assumed to be on a white shirt.
- The design must include the theme (“Fueling the Future”), and the SkillsUSA Florida logo, which may be used on the sleeve, front left chest, or included with the t-shirt design.
- No more than 4 colors may be used. The use of gradient colors is not permitted.
Banner Design
- Printed Size: no larger than 4’ x 8’ with 1/2” bleed, if Final shape must be square or rectangle.
- Must include SkillsUSA Florida logo and theme (“Fueling the Future”).
- Proof must be proportional to the final production size, but should be reduced to fit on the submission.
- Full color and gradient designs are permitted.
Conference App Homepage Design
- Final design should include one vertical graphic 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels
- Must include the SkillsUSA Florida logo, theme (“Fueling the Future”) and event name (“State Leadership and Skills Conference” or “SLSC”).
- Full color designs and gradient colors are permitted.
METHOD OF SELECTION: The State Director will screen all entries received for appropriateness and eligibility. All qualified entries will be voted on during the Fall Leadership Conference and through social media channels. An online voting link will be shared to collect votes. Email addresses will be collected from voters to ensure the integrity of the vote. Students and teachers may NOT campaign for votes towards any particular design (online or in person) but may promote general voting. Depending on the number of entries, a preliminary round of voting may occur to narrow the field and select finalist designs. The State Director will verify the results and notify the winning student and instructor within 2 weeks of final voting.
“Spam” voting, bots, automation software, or multiple votes per person are not permitted. Any design associated with votes of this type will be disqualified. Contestants are expected to act with integrity.
ELIGIBLE DESIGNS: Eligible designs will meet the following criteria:
- Maintain branding standards of SkillsUSA: Designs that violate these standards may be disqualified. Please review the standards at com/portals/skillsusa
- Meet the requirements outlined in this document: Designs that do not meet these standards, such as exceeding color limits or size requirements may be
- Include the words “SkillsUSA” and “Florida” and the year “2025”, as well as additional wording requirements as
- Created using professional design software, such as Adobe Any professional software may be used, provided it can create the necessary vector files and pdf files.
- Submitted electronically in the proper format
- one page only, 5” x 11”
- No identifying marks or writing, such as name, school, region, etc
- High resolution .pdf file named “[LAST NAME].[SCHOOL].pdf”
- If a design is found in violation of any standards or requirement, students will receive email notification outlining the error(s) and will be allowed one opportunity to correct and resubmit. Resubmissions must be received by the published deadline, and all errors must be remedied to be considered for final judging.
OTHER CONTESTS: The Branding Contest is a separate contest and does not conflict with the Pin Design Contest, the T-Shirt Design Contest, or any other SkillsUSA Championships event at the Regional, State, and National levels. Students are permitted to enter the Branding Contest, as well as an additional contest during the SkillsUSA Championships. Designs submitted for the branding contest may be used for the Regional, State, and National events, provided it meets all other criteria outlined by the contest.
AWARDS: First place winner will be provided complimentary registration to the State Leadership and Skills Conference and will be recognized during the Opening Ceremony.
COMPENSATION: By submitting a design, designers agree that entries become the property of SkillsUSA Florida, and the designer relinquishes any and all rights to compensation for the use of the design(s). Submitted designs may be used by SkillsUSA Florida for any purpose at any time.
USE OF DESIGNS: The first-place design will be used at the 2025 SkillsUSA Florida State Leadership and Skills Conference in Jacksonville, FL, and at the 2025 National Skills and Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA. SkillsUSA Florida reserves the right to adjust or make alterations to any artwork that is submitted. If in-person events are not possible, the design will be used during the corresponding virtual events. Participation in the contest does not guarantee a minimum level of use or exposure.
ACCOMPANYING FILES: A submission is one digital standard (8.5” x 11”) page with all four designs in high quality .pdf format. Submissions are not accepted by email and must be uploaded by the deadline using the online form at https://form.jotform.com/212144300360033. The winning submission will be required to submit vector (.eps or .ai) images of all artworks, backgrounds, and other necessary files, including fonts, within one week of selection. Specific instructions will be provided to the winning student and their advisor.
Past Winners
- 2023-2024
- 2022-2023
- 2021-2022
- 2020-2021
- 2019-2020
- 2018-2019
- 2017-2018
- 2016-2017
- 2015-2016
- 2014-2015